Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Get to know....Irene Tan

Hello everyone! It's time for me to be in the spotlight today! I'm Irene Tan or better known as "Scrapperlicious" in the online world.

Let's talk a little about me first. I'm from the beautiful island, Penang, which is situated in West Malaysia. It is an island that embraces modernity while retaining its traditions and old world charm.
Who am I before I indulge into this industry and when did I start scrapping? I used to be an accountant. Yes, I'm a Chartered Accountant working with a big international auditing firm. I won't go into details as to why I've totally changed my career directions. You all can keep guessing on this....

I officially started scrapbooking and my blog in 2007 and everything after that results in who I am today. My family is a huge part of my scrapping journey. They are very supportive of my passion. My husband is my buddy in all my teaching trips and my kids are my favourite subjects.

It's fun and inspiring to scrap the everyday lives of my three kids.
Ryan and Chloe is main reason I started scrapbooking.

And "Hiro" is our charming Siberian Husky.

Want to see my scrap space?
I do not own a scrap room. My scrap space is basically half of our office room which I share with the rest of the family.

Do I teach? Yes! Upon invitation, I do travel to teach a few times a year. In fact, I'll be teaching in Surabaya, Indonesia and Osaka and Tokyo, Japan this October and November 2011. And for you all in the Europe, keep an eye for my updates on my blog..wink..wink.. Most of my workshops will have some Bo Bunny gorgeousness in it. Check this link to find out on my teaching criteria. 

Now, onto my projects for Bo Bunny.
First of all, I would like to share with you all some layouts which I've created using some of the newly released lines.

Et Cetera:
I've had so much fun playing with the puzzle pieces in this line.
Project Title: ETC
Supply List:
Patterned Paper: Et Cetera, Mail Room/Et Cetera
Stickers: Et Cetera Combo Sticker and Dimensional Sticker
Jewels: Et Cetera
Buttons: Et Cetera
Stamps: Et Cetera
Wraps: Cambridge
Petals: Black Tulle Petals
Puzzle Pieces: Et Cetera

Welcome Home:
Project Title: Family Blessings
Supply List:
Patterned Paper: Decor, Front Door, Picket Fence, Portrait/Welcome Home
Cardstock: Double Dot in Blue flourish
Noteworthy: Welcome Home
Brads: Welcome Home
Trinkets: Welcome Home
Jewels: Welcome Home
Buttons: Welcome Home
Rub-Ons: Welcome Home
Chipboard: Welcome Home 12x12
Wraps: Blast Off
Trims: White Rose trim

Garden Girl:
Project Title: Garden Girl
Supply List:
Patterned Paper: Garden Girl, Wild Flowers, Arbor, Cut-Outs/Garden Girl
Noteworthy: Garden Girl
Trinkets: Garden Girl
Jewels: Garden Girl
Chipboard: Garden Girl 12x12

And now I will share some of my work with each of the older lines.
Learning Curve:




Winter Joy:



Crazy Love:

Midnight Frost:



Vicki B:

Ad Lib:

Blast Off:

Barefoot & Bliss:



Thank you Bo Bunny for having me as part of your design team. I'm really honored to be given such opportunity!
Now.....are you all interested in winning some Bo Bunny gorgeous products??  If you'd like to have a chance at winning a prize at the end of this month, be sure to leave me a comment below.  Bo Bunny will hold a drawing for each Designer Spotlight giveaway posted this month. Good luck!
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Great getting to know you more...

  2. I love your unique style of scrapbooking! Amazing stuff, Girl!!!!

  3. I'm your follower for some period of time and all your projects are so wonderful! There are so full of joy and shine!

  4. love your work, have been following you for a while and still get inspired! thanks!

  5. Your work always rocks, totally love your style and use of the mixed media and it's so nice to get to know you a bit better. Gosh, your husky is the most beautiful dog I've ever seen...I bet she's even cuter in real:) It's totally wonderful to have the sweet and talented you on our team:)

  6. I love every gorgeous project of you!

  7. Wow!! I just love all your amazing & stunning work!! Everything looks so beuatiful!!

  8. Terrific projects! I love how you include so many great techniques yet continue to maintain a very refined finished project. Your meticulous detail is extraordinary. Blessings!

  9. Irene, your kids are so beautiful, including Hiro, of course! (I love huskys)
    Your work is totally amazing, full of colour and details, love it too.

  10. Wow what lovely projects - so much to aspire to.

  11. Stunning work, I love looking on your blog you are one of the most talented people I have ever seen. So inspiring.

  12. I love the wholigans card and your ornament. You are very talented.

  13. Beautiful work. I think we're very lucky that you made that big career change!

  14. I've been a fan for several years; your work is always so inspiring!!! I love what you've done with the different Bo Bunny lines, giving each one a taste of "Scrapperlicious"!!!

  15. Your work is fabulous. I am a scrapper that likes to add lots of embellishments to my projects. Your work is definitely my style. Love it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  16. was so nice to read about you ...
    I´m your follower and love your works :)

  17. Through my love of the Bo Bunny paper lines, I found Irene's blog and have been inspired by her style for over a year now! It's awe amazing to see her work over the past year...thank you for all you do Irene!!!

  18. I've been a fan of Irene for a long time! She is one of my very favorite scrappers! :)

  19. Beautiful projects! I love them all! You opened my appetite for scrapbook!

  20. I loved learning more about you Irene!! GORGEOUS creations! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  21. Irene Tan rocks! I have been a huge fan ever since I started scrapbooking. She is just amazing! Beautiful projects!

  22. Hi Irene! Always been a fan! Love your gorgeous work, and especially love how you used the puzzle pieces. :)

  23. Great projects! One is better than the other :)

  24. I have been your fan from your blogstart in 2007 Irene! LOVE everything you do! Hugs Pia

  25. OMGosh! Your projects are awesome!! I really enjoyed reading this post today.....I hate to admit that sometimes I only look at the

  26. WOW! Your work is FANTASTIC!! Loving everything! Such inspiration from all you girls at Bo Bunny! And love your scrap place! So clean!! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Beautiful projects--love the photos of your kids.

  28. Gorgeous attention to detail :) The picture of your dog is adorable!

  29. Wow Irene what a fabulous post girl.Love all you created with the new collections.I made the same.... Your scrap space is fabulous!!!! and so clean!!! mine is most of the time so messy..... I feel so honored to appear on your pos he he he..

  30. Yes, I'm interested in winning!
    THanks for the chance

  31. What wonderful creations! You are amazing!

  32. Love your scrap space/room. Your work is amazing. Such attention to detail and just the right amount of embelishments.

  33. Irene I hope some day you come to canada i love how unique your creations are.

  34. Fun, fun stuff! My favorite is the True Beauty lo.

  35. Love what you do all your projects!!!

  36. Wow! Your layouts are gorgeous and I love your different projects! Your children look so sweet and as your your fur baby - I love huskies (I have one too!)!!!!

  37. Love all of your beautiful layouts!!...I am subscribed to your I get to see your work daily!!...thanks for sharing!!

  38. Irene, thanks for sharing your scrap spot in your home. It's always interesting to see where artistic creativity happens. Beautiful projects!

  39. You're work is always so inspiring to me and I love you're unique style of scrapbooking!!!!

  40. Olá Irene, conheci seu blog há alguns meses atrás e fiquei encantada com seus lindos trabalhos.
    Seus projetos são perfeitos com uma criatividade sem igual.
    Espero que algum dia você venha ao Brasil. Será um prazer ter uma aula com você!!!!
    Seus filhos são lindos!!!
    Beijos. Alessandra.

  41. I've loved you and your work for several years! always beautiful and always inspiring!!

  42. Everything is so pretty - love the peeks.

  43. It was really nice to get to know you better, especially where you live..always been big admirer of your work!

  44. your work is always a happy surprise...and very beautiful. so are your children and your dog. wish you well!!

  45. I love the snowglobe, how beautiful and creative! And your LO's are breathtaking thank you for sharing your work with us!

  46. Wow, your projects are amazing! So many beautiful details. I could just stare for quite awhile at these amazing projects!

  47. Spectacular! Love all your work with layers! TFS!

  48. Great getting to know you better Irene!! Love your's always inspiring!!

  49. I love, love your work!! You know just what to use and where it belongs! It's funny because I was just wondering the other day when I was reading your blog what your crafty space looked like! Love it! Thanks for sharing a little more about you and where you live. Looks like a beautiful place.

  50. Hi I already visit your blog often and I am aleays inspired ! Your kids are so cute love this picture of them laughing together it makes me smile and your dog is stunning too. Love Bo Bunny they are my favourite design papers . Thanks Kitty ;0)

  51. oh how i love your style...your layouts are so gorgeous!! I will be following you more closely now!

  52. Beautiful projects, beautiful family. I'd say your screen name "Scrapperlicious" is right on target!

  53. Love all of your projects! You do beautiful work!!

  54. What a great Spotlight. All the projects are fantastic as always and I bet you have a lot more fun doing what you do now than being an accountant. Having such great subject matter to work with really helps too. Hugs to you.

  55. Congrats on your highlight here Irene... your projects are just gorgeous, I think I have seen a lot of them before! Your style is amazing and you can work with just about any line or material. I am a great fan!

  56. your work is always outstanding!! simply stunning. I wish you would come to teach in the other side of the world (canada to be exact)
    would love for you to see my blog!!

  57. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work Irene. Bo Bunny always have a gorgeous yummy products and you turn them to magic when you touch it. Those projects are fabulous and I am blown away. Thank you for the opportunity and thanks for sharing.

  58. Love your style and designs. I am an avid scraplifter of your different layouts.

  59. Irene your work inspires me and Bo Bunny has always been a favorite of mine. I love your work it always amazes me.. so much too see that I have to stare at it for awhile.. I love that ! Thanks for the chance to win and hugs to Hiro !!

  60. This is amazing. I've followed you work for years and it only gets better. I love the passion for your art and you love for your family that just comes through so well in your work. Please continue to share you talent with the world.

  61. Your style is amazing. I love all the inspiration that I get from your layouts. Nice to get to know a little about yourself and your family.

  62. I love your inspiring. It was great to get to "know" you a little better.

  63. AMAZING!!! I only wish I could scrap half as good!!

  64. Been a fan for a long long time! Always loved your work Scraperlicious!

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  65. Beautiful as always. I have been following you for a year or maybe two and love all the dimensional details in your layouts. Thank you for showing pics of where you are from.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Your work is beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing so much! Enjoyed learning a little bit about you. Scrapping and card making is a truly universal form of art!

  68. simply beautiful!!

  69. wowww irene what darling children you are blessed with!
    love your work...thank you so much for sharing!

  70. You rock! Love your work and you know have a new follower!

  71. I am so inspired. Your work is absolutely wonderful!

  72. I love your creativity. It is always so inspiring.

  73. I love your creativity and you are always so inspiring!

  74. Love what you make and your kids are adorable models.

  75. Love all your work! Thanks for sharing!

  76. Absolutely amazing work as always...have been a fan of yours for a're one fabulous artist!

  77. Gorgeous layouts as usual!! Everything you touch turns to gold. Thanks for inspiring! Kate

  78. You are so inspirational with your unique ideas. I love the BoBunny line, so thank you for sharing your ideas.
    A. Misson
    (I had to post as anonymous in order to be able to publish my comment)

  79. Awww, you know I'm a fan hon! So fun getting to know you better! xx

  80. I love your butterfly mini album. Thanks for letting us get to know you better.

  81. Beautiful work!! I especially love the Huskie lay out! We have a Huskie and I love to make snow dog pages!

  82. Your work is always gorgeous and inspiring! I follow your blog, too.

  83. Love your work and all the dimension in your projects!

  84. your work is amazing no matter what paper company you use!! I'm so drawn to your designs and they way you put things together, soo i'm a very bad person of alway scraplifting your pages.. thanks for inspiring me!! ((hugs))

  85. I love your work for a long time ago even if I don't take the time to write you a comment everytime. Your style is so personnal. TFS

  86. I dont usually comment on these types of threads, but girl I had to come show some love because your story and the photos you shared are truely amazingly beautiful! You deserve nothing but the best and I will be looking out for more of your work. Rock on!

  87. love your style. i follow your blog but don't leave many comments. Bo Bunny is lucky to have you. you rock. flirtini

  88. Loving all the inspiration I see in your beautiful work!


    {Pattie's passion}

    I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

  89. Just beautiful! I so love your work. You are an inspiration to us all.

  90. Lots of fab projects!! It's nice to read & get to know a little more about you. ;) My mum is from Penang too..

  91. Loved your whole post - from learning about you to admiring your beautiful laoyts!

  92. Your layouts are so beautiful!!!

  93. 18, 2011 at 12:46 AM

    I love your unique style of scrapbooking

  94. I love your work. I've been à fan for several years. Your projects are full or details, techniques. Allare georgeous.

  95. Your work is always incredible. I can't wait until you come over to France.

  96. You are a magician! Love your projects so much!

  97. Lovley family, lovely you, lovely projects too!

  98. Bo Bunny is the BEST!!! I always love their products. And Irene does beautiful work as alway

  99. Your work is beautiful....I especially like the Ad Lib "True Beaute" layout....the colours and the circles are wonderful. TFS!

  100. It is great getting to learn more about you! Your work is always so inspiring!

  101. Irene, your work is gorgeous!!! And your kids are adorable! Thank you for sharing your creativity and for inspiring me.

  102. Your work and projects are splendid! I get a lot of inspiration from them and hope you'll continue working for Bo Bunny!!!


  103. Beautiful work - I'm ready to do some scraplifting! Beautiful children too.

  104. His talent is amazing! I follow his work and I'm in love with him.

    It's great to know her a little more.

    Beautiful family.


  105. wow. wow. wow. your work is just amazing!!!

  106. Stunning projects! You are so talented and so inspiring!

  107. Prize? Count me in! I'm a fan of Irene

  108. Wonderful work, Irene! and such a beautiful family x

  109. You have beautiful detailin your designs. Love to look at what you come up with.

  110. Irene I'm so jealous when I see your scraproon you are so wel organised.
    And girl you always ROCK!!!!

  111. Irene, all of your work is awesome! Thanks so much for all the talent and inspiration you bring!

  112. Awesome LO's! You have a way with colors. Very bright ,happy and inspiring!

  113. Loved reading about your family and life and your projects are FABULOUS!! Your photographs and designs just go together perfectly and really show off the products!

  114. Beautiful glad to have talented people as yourself to inspire me...

  115. absolutely gorgeous gorgeous work.. Wish you lived near me I would love to go to your classes!!

  116. You are an amazing artist, Irene, and I have totally enjoyed looking at your work here! WOnderful inspiration!

  117. I think my favorite project is the heart layout - amazing!

  118. Irene is so talented!!! Love her style and layering!

  119. It has been fantastic being on the DT with you the last year Irene, I love your work and your inking always has me itching to get my inks out!! I look forward to another year working with you :)

  120. beautiful work! Your kiddos and husky are super cute!

  121. Hi Irene!! As you know I have been a fan of your work for ages! Nice to get to know more about you :)

  122. great job, love Bo Bunny and your use of the products

  123. Irene your like the gift that keeping giving, I always seem to learn something new and inspiring every time I see anything by you...

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us, seeing these today on the blog just made me buy some Bo Bunny today.....

  124. Gorgeous projects! So full of inspiration! Thanks for sharing them and part of your life here!

  125. Love all your creations. The are so wonderful. Love your site, story and pictures.

  126. I am in awe, wow, what a collection of work!

  127. So inspiring, so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us!

  128. I really like your scrap space! And I especially like how you used the letters to spell out "back to schol" like a puzzle!

  129. Your projects are always amazing! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself!

  130. Your projects are always amazing! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself!

  131. Beautiful projects, I especially like the mini albums. Something I want to try to do, and yours inspire me to do it more. Thank you for sharing.
