Monday, August 22, 2011

Get To Know...Romy Veul

Hi, Bo Bunny fans! Today it's time for my spotlight on the Bo Bunny blog and I have to say I'm pretty thrilled to see a post about me and my creations appearing on the blog of such an amazing manufacturer! I joined the Bo Bunny team about 10 months ago and have loved every minute of my term with them so far.

First I'll tell you a little bit about me. My name is Romy, I'm 18 years old and I'm one of the three Dutch girls on the Bo Bunny team. At the moment you're reading this post, I am about to start a completely new phase in my life. I graduated high school before summer vacation and today is my very first day at University! I live in a small village close to Amsterdam, which I'm fairly happy with since it means that my University is only 30 minutes away from my home. So today is the very first day I can call myself a psychology student. I have to admit I'm quite a bit nervous about this big change in my life, but I'm also looking forward to majoring in the beautiful science that is called psychology!

A little over five years ago my school introduced me to scrapbooking. My school celebrated its 45th anniversary and thus organized a few creative workshops for its pupils, including a workshop scrapbooking. I have been creative since I was in kindergarten and always loved painting, making my own jewelry or being creative with flowers and home deco. But always after a while I wanted something different and started to look for another hobby. That was until I attended my first scrapbook class...I immediately fell in love with this hobby and haven't looked back ever since. I love the fact that you can record your memories and photos in a creative way by scrapbooking and being creative is also a great way for me to forget about my busy daily life as a student and webshop owner at the end of the day.

As you might have noticed the past few months I love doing both cards and layouts. If you'd ask me whether I consider myself a scrapbooker or a cardmaker, I really couldn't give you an answer to that question. I love it to create both cards and layouts. Usually I do cards when I don't have enough time for a layout or when I'm in the 'cardmaking mood' and feel like spending my entire evening whipping up a few cards;) I usually send my cards when they're finished to (online) friends and family. I have also filled quite a couple of albums with my scrapbook pages so far. I love doing them a lot and my love for scrapbooking has also introduced me to the wonderful hobby that photography is. I bought a new camera and now try to capture every remarkable moment with my camera, even though not all my family members love being photographed at E-VE-RY single moment of the day, LOL!  

I think you could best describe my style as shabby chic, layered and detailed. The final phase (adding the details) is always my favourite part of the process. I can often hardly stop adding details, so usually every corner of my pages is filled with a little something. I also use my edge distresser a lot and love fussy cutting all those pretty images from the Bo Bunny papers with a little help of my favourite Tim Holtz scissors.

This hobby has brought me so much the past few years, including the many wonderful girls I've met through this hobby and the online world behind it. Some of them I even met in real and became 'real life friends'. I still wish I would be able to make a journey around the world one day, so I can meet all those sweet international girls that I haven't got to speak to in real yet!

I joined the Bo Bunny team about 10 months ago. And I can hear you asking: "The DT announcement was over a year ago, how can it be that you joined the design team later?". Well it's quite a story and one with a very nice ending;) A few weeks after the announcement of this team of amazingly talented ladies I noticed a call on this blog for Bo Bunny lovers who would love to have their work being featured on the blog. I thought I'd just give it a go and e-mailed some of my work to the office. Only one day later I received an e-mail that made me so super happy: I was asked to become a guest designer for Bo Bunny for a few months. I think I reread that question a hundred times that evening, because I couldn't believe one of my dreams all of a sudden appeared to come true:) Two months later I received an e-mail that made me even happier: Kris asked me as a permanent designer on this team. I still feel so honoured for the opportunity that is given me to design with the gorgeous Bo Bunny products and to work together with so many talented (and also very sweet) ladies. Being part of the Bo Bunny family is such an amazing opportunity, so I just wanted to say thank you once again to the Bo Bunny team for having me as a designer and to the other designers for being so sweet and encouraging. You are the best!

I'd also like to share a bit about my family. I share my home with my four family members and four sweet, crazy and furry friends: our cats and guinea pigs.

This is my sweet mom, who I'm loving to pieces. Everytime I go shopping, visit family or friends or just walk around with her, people tell us how much we look alike. But just so you know: my mom has died her hair red, while to me red is my original hair colour LOL! We recently made a mother/daughter trip to Stockholm and both had an amazing time. It was wonderful to spend some time together.

My dad is a hardworking accountant for a Dutch bank, but he's also a real family man and besides that he loves to spend time on his bicycle: the vehicle that Holland is kind of famous for!

My 16-yo brothers, Joeri and Ivan, are twins, but as you can see on the photo above they are like chalk and cheese. They are so different from each other, both inside and out. Joeri spends many hours on his favourite bicycle, his BMX, each day and in fact he's pretty good at it too. Ivan prefers playing inside: he plays League of Legends at his laptop almost all day long. They both love goofin' around especially when I have my camera in front of me;)

Our tomcat Paco is as crazy as can be. He has quite a few quirks. His favourite thing to do is hiding inbetween the green plants, so he can scare us as soon as we enter the backyard. Apparently he didn't give it a moment's thought that the green plants don't really cover his white fur.

Beertje (pronounced as [Bear-tja]) is our 9-yo diva: she walks like a diva and she also has her very own divalicious way to express that she wants you to not walk away, as she's sitting on your lap at that moment;) I sometimes wish I could spend my days in the way Beertje and Paco spend them...I'd love spending my days relaxing, sleeping and eating without having to worry about anything at all...


Our littlest family members are called Babetje (pronounced as [Bu-bat-ja]) and Trudie and they're two cute guinea pig girls.

My favourite scrap subjects are my family, our vacation trips and my friends. I have a few very adorable nieces and nephews. Most of them don't live in my neighbourhood unfortunately, so I don't see them as often as I'd like to. But my two nieces Naomi, who is five years old, and Elise, who just turned one, live almost in the same street, so I usually get to see them at least once a week and for some reason these two cutie pies end up on most of my layouts. Can you tell why? ;)


As you can see Naomi is just like my brothers, she only wants me to take a photo of her if she's doing nice 'tricks' or if she's goofin' around...

Well, I think you know enough about me by now, so it's time for the scrapping part of this post...
A few weeks ago I received a huge box of new Bo Bunny yumminess and needless to say I enjoyed every minute of playing with these wonderful collections so far. I managed to create something with each one of the new releases. As you can see I did both cards and layouts this time around;)

Et Cetera:

Bo Bunny supply list:
Patterned Paper: Extra, Geography, Symphony, Cutouts and Filigree Diecut/Et Cetera
Cardstock: Double Dot in Chiffon Journal
Stickers: Et Cetera Combo Sticker
Jewels: Et Cetera
Rub-ons: Et Cetera
Chipboard: Et Cetera 12 x 12, Et Cetera Layered Chipboard
Flower: Et Cetera Petals
Buttons: Et Cetera
Stamps: Et Cetera, Gabrielle
Wrap and charm: Et Cetera

Tip: On this layout I cut the petals of the Et Cetera flower apart and used them as little flowers, for example in the upper left corner of my page.

Sweet Tooth:
Birthday Wishes

Bo Bunny supply list:
Patterned Paper: Temptations/Sweet Tooth
6" Paper Pad: Sweet Tooth
Stickers: Sweet Tooth Combo Sticker
Rub-ons: Sweet Tooth
Noteworthy: Sweet Tooth
Buttons: Sweet Tooth

Garden Girl:
 Thanks so much

Bo Bunny supply list:
Patterned Paper: Garden Girl/Garden Girl
6" Paper Pad: Garden Girl
Stickers: Garden Girl Layered Stickers
Noteworthy: Garden Girl
Rub-ons: Garden Girl
Jewels: Garden Girl

Welcome Home:
 Miss You

Bo Bunny supply list:
6" Paper Pad: Welcome Home
Stickers: Welcome Home Home Grown CS Sticker, Welcome Home Dimensional Stickers
Noteworthy: Welcome Home
Rub-ons: Et Cetera
Jewels: Welcome Home
Charm: Et Cetera Buttons

Father Christmas: 
 Seasons Greetings

Bo Bunny supply list:
6" Paper Pad: Father Christmas
Stickers: Father Christmas Combo Sticker, Father Christmas Card Kit, Father Christmas Dimensional Stickers
Chipboard: Father Christmas 12 x 12, Father Christmas Layered Chipboard
Noteworthy: Father Christmas
Jewels: Father Christmas
Charm: Et Cetera Buttons

 Merry Christmas

Bo Bunny supply list:
6" Paper Pad: Blitzen, Et Cetera
Stickers: Blitzen Dimensional Stickers, Blitzen Card Kit
Noteworthy: Blitzen
Chipboard: Blitzen Layered Chipboard
Rub-ons: Blitzen
Buttons: Father Christmas

Forever Fall:

Bo Bunny supply list:
Patterned Paper: Forever Fall, Blaze, Dot, Nature/Forever Fall
6" Paper Pad: Forever Fall
Cardstock: Double Dot in Chocolate Journal
Stickers: Forever Fall Dimensional Stickers
Chipboard: Forever Fall 12", Et Cetera 12", Forever Fall Layered Chipboard
Trinkets: Forever Fall
Jewels: Forever Fall
Buttons: Forever Fall
Noteworthy: Forever Fall
Brads: Forever Fall
Rub-ons: Forever Fall

I'd also like it to share some of my older Bo Bunny favourites with you. I picked one layout for each of the previous releases that I've got to play with. Don't you agree that Bo Bunny has some truly amazing products? I simply [heart] everything they come up with:)

Super cute, super pretty and richly and deeply coloured Zoology:

Fresh, bright and summery Barefoot & Bliss:

Patriotical, masculine and totally awesome Liberty:

Spring-y, colourful and girly Vicki B:

Feminine, elegant and shabby chic Gabrielle:

Timeless, vintage and whimsical Timepiece:

Happy, playful and fun Ad Lib:

Boyish, adorable and trendy

Romantic, lovable and elegant Crush:

Sweet, detailed and pretty Crazy Love:

Wintery, frosty and delicate Midnight Frost:

If you leave a comment on this post you're also eligble for a fabulous Bo Bunny prize. The winner will be drawn at the end of the month. To thank each and every one of the Bo Bunny blog readers I'm also going to give away a little Bo Bunny package on my own blog: Scrapstuff and More. Just leave me a comment there and I'll randomly draw a winner next Wednesday.

Thank you so much for making it through this long, long post and for all the sweet and encouraging words that you've left our entire team throughout this past year. You are the best:)

XOXO, Romy


  1. Nice to get to know more about you Romy!!
    All pretty LOs! (of course I have admired some of them before :) )

  2. I like all the layers on your creations. Lovely!

  3. Loved meeting you and your family! And, your work is fun!

  4. Your projects are so full of life and inspirational! Great photos!

  5. Enjoyed getting to know more about you. Great projects.

  6. Love your pages and cards! Your style is so adorable! Thank you for sharing!!

  7. Romy- what wonderful work, the cards are very pretty as well. I love all of the layering and textures.

  8. Romy you are an absolute doll and I adore working along side you on this team! You bring so much happiness everywhere you go and you are talented beyound words! You are SO young to be dominating this industry and I wish you continued success for many, many years to come!

  9. Nice meeting you Romy! Congrats and good luck to you as you begin the next phase of your life as a University student! You are a VERY talented young lady, and it is wonderful for both you to be able to, and all of us to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL art that you share with us! THANK YOU!

  10. Super lovely Los!!!!!! Love them so much! Thanks for the chance !

  11. Your story is so nice to read. You seem so genuine and so glad to see such a young girl with a good head on her shoulder. Most importantly the way you speak about family. Don't ever lost that quality.
    Love your work. All you work is amazing.
    Congrats on being so young and accomplishing the goal of becoming a designer for such a great company. They are one of my favorite companies out there.

  12. All of your layouts are eye-catching! Bo Bunny is lucky to have you as a designer. I loved reading about you and your family, so very put together for 18 years old!

  13. All of your layouts are eye-catching! Bo Bunny is lucky to have you as a designer. I loved reading about you and your family, so very put together for 18 years old!

  14. Romy, you are an amazingly talented young artist! I enjoy your work! Good luck at University!! New doors will open for you, so dont forget to take a step inside!! You will be amazed at what knowledge can do for you!!
    Big Hugs,

  15. If only I could do what you do! You are gifted gal!

  16. Pretty layouts. Thanks for sharing such beautiful creations.

  17. Loved reading more about you Romy! You are such a sweet and talented scrapper. I just adore your work! Thanks so much for all the beautiful inspiration!

  18. OMG!
    What a great blog post---so many projects and they are all wonderful!

  19. I love your work! All those layers...just fantastic.
    Enjoy your time at University.

  20. It's very nice to "meet" you Romy. I'm heading over to bookmark your blog. P.S. I love the "Brrr" lo.

  21. Amazing! Romy you are very talented!

  22. Romy it's so nice to get to know you. You are an incredibly talented young woman. Good luck at University!

  23. Love your work! I noticed your stitching on them - great job!

  24. Romy, I so happy for you to have your first day at University, it wonderful!I have the new sweet tooth card, so adorable!!!

  25. Wow that is awesome that you are only 18 and already on a DT! Love your cards and all the detail and layers you put into them. Good luck with college!

  26. So cool to see you here with your lovely work and always so kind..have fun!!!

  27. Wow! It's hard to believe you are only 18!! Awesome work!

  28. Loved getting to know more of you Romy, you are one talented young lady...

  29. Beautiful work! ~Amy

  30. Beautiful girl! Beautiful family! I just adore your work dear friend and just can't get enough of your beautiful cards! You made me gasp! when I saw what you did with 'Sweet Tooth"!! Lovely to read more about you hon! xx

  31. Beautiful creations--nice to get to know you.

  32. Your projects are just gorgeous. Such a creative young lady you are!

    Allison M.

  33. It was really great getting to know more about you! Your layouts are really fun and I enjoy looking at every one!

  34. I love the Bo Bunny products, and when you guys post " Get to know..." with this talented group of girls is always an opportunity of knowing some of the most amazing girls ever! And they love scrapbooking and Bo Bunny products just like me!!! So thank you very much for let us know know a little bit more of Romy. I'm already your fan !!!

  35. I already know your work fot a couple of years now and I love it more and more every time I see it.
    Go on with making al those beautiful LO's and cards!!!!!

  36. Beautiful pictures on beautiful layouts! It is good to know more about the lady whose layouts I admire from afar;)

  37. Wow what an in-depth cool way to really get to know someone. So cool.

  38. Loved learning more about you! I love all the dimension in your work, you are so young and talented!!

  39. Love how you layer everything - so beautiful!

  40. Hey my lovely friend,it´s great to know all your family members!!! I so love all your new projects I can´t chose one for favorite,all are amazing!!!! and look at Nini there...when she returns from school I will show it!!

  41. Must say, I really love your work. It makes me happy to see someone so young even interested in scrapbooking! and to see how talented you are, and how inspiring your design work is! Rock on.

  42. Wowwwwww- so young and so talented! She is the industry future! Love to meet you Romy!

  43. So much talent and you are only 18? Big future is there for you!

  44. You are a very talented young lady, Romy. I have seen your work before and admired it. You have a wonderful gift and I can tell you enjoy scrapping. Cheers to your school for introducing you to the world of scrapping!

  45. It's been wonderful getting to know more about you, Romy!!! Your designs are beautiful, and you are very, very talented for such a young lady! I look forward to seeing more of your designs in the future! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  46. Hartstikke leuk om zo over jou zelf te lezen Romy, ik vind je werk altijd zo mooi en helemaal omdat je altijd gewoon je eigen stijl blijft houden. Ga zo door alstublieft, ik hoop nog veel mooie LO-tjes en andere werkstukken op het SA van je te mogen vinden.
    Groetjes, Ria

  47. Your projects are soooo beautiful! So many gorgeous details. So I can't believe how young you are too! You are waaaayyy better than I will ever be!

  48. Wauwie Romy, wat wordt jij terecht in het zonnetje gezet. Je maakt prachtig werk en je blijft je eigen stijl volen. iedere Romy is een echte Romy !!!!

    lieve groetjes Ria Schel

  49. I love your creations, you are very talented! I can't wait to see more!

  50. fun getting to know you better! Love that we frequent some of the same MB around the web and love being on the Bo Bunny team with you!!

  51. Love your work Romy! Your cards and layouts are amazing. So much detail!

  52. Your work is fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  53. Your layouts are gorgeous - you are very talented. Thanks for sharing!

  54. What a lovely young lady you are!!I loved getting to know you a bit better and thankyou for sharing all those lovely photos. your creations are always fabulous and fun! I am a big admirer of your talent.

  55. So young and SOOOO talented! Wonderful work. Cannot wait to see what you come up with.

  56. So much talent in a young person....her work really inspires me!

  57. Your layouts and cards are truly works of art, Romy! So nice to get to know you better!

  58. I really enjoyed getting to know you Romy. Your layouts and cards are so amazing and give me much needed inspiration.

  59. awesome work. New to this blog, but LOVE Bo Bunny. Thanks for sharing your projects.

  60. Such talent for someone so young! I LOVE all your work and it was fun to get to know more about you, too.

  61. Everything you've made is beautiful! Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself!

  62. OH Romy, what a sweet, sweet post! I loved learning more about you, your family! Gorgeous work too! Thank you for sharing!

  63. I absolutely love your lo's and designs. My favorites are the Christmas cards!!

  64. I have loved your work since you started here, Romy! You are truly a gifted scrapbooker. Best wishes at university----I'll be you will love it!

  65. Nice to know you better Romy! You are young and so very talented! I can't wait to see what you are doing in 5 or 10 years... you are quite an artist!

  66. Great to meet you, Romy! I LOVE your layouts. You do such a great job of mixing patterns in such interesting ways! I look forward to seeing your work! Thanks for sharing your family with us!

  67. your work is amazing -- thanks for sharing.

  68. Your cards and layouts are beautiful. Love your details and how you layer everything. Thanks for letting us get to know you.

  69. Such a joy to see someone at your age being so creative and inspired!! Loved learning about your family and especially about your guinea pig and cat!

  70. Your work is amazing Romy! I loveeeeeeeeeeee all the layers you do!! And your family photos are FUN! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  71. Wow! You are so talented and only 18 years old! I look forward to seeing lots more of your work for many years to come! Thank you for sharing!

  72. Romy, so great to read more about you. I hope you'll do well in your studies, and that you can take a break from school long enough to share your Bo Bunny creations with us! Thanks for allowing us a peek into your creative talent.

  73. Romy, you are so young and creative ... WOW! You have provided me with lots of inspiration - thank you!

  74. Your work is awesome and very beautiful! Especially for someone so young. Good luck in your studies and I look forward to seeing you scrap your university days!

  75. Beautiful layouts Romy! You really know how to showcase all the gorgeousness that is Bo Bunny! Much luck to you as you start University work--the world is yours!

  76. Wow.. You are so young and so talented! What a gift! Thanks so much for sharing xx

  77. Your very talented and so YOUNG!! Nice to get to know you.

  78. Wow wow wow..... such amazing projects!!!! I think they better call you the Queen of layers, cause that's what you are. I am always stunned by your work and I just want to say... that I love this blog post. Getting to know you even more is so fun. Good luck with your studying Romy!!!!

  79. Nice to get to know Romy. She is very talented young designer. I like her work very much.

  80. Romy you are already a great talented scapper ! I am very impressive, bravo! it's nice to know you better and discover your life. Thanks for sharing !

  81. Love your work, especially the brr page. The colors are beautiful and I really like how you used the specialty paper.

  82. Good luck with your studies, make the best of it! Love your laoyouts and cards!!!!!!

  83. I also have a diva that looks a lot like your Beertje...oh, what a life they have :)

    It was nice to learn about you and your family. Good luck with your studies.

    Hope you still have time to inspire us with such amazing, detailed work.

  84. Such beautiful creations, Romy! TFS!!!

  85. Zo leuk, een landgenootje in het design team van BoBunny. En ook nog zulke mooie creaties!
    Super om je biografie te lezen :-)
    Hugs Ing

  86. It is so nice to learn more about you Romy and we were all so happy when you joined the DT, you are soo sweet and friendly and I have loved working with you the last 10 months and look forward to the next year! As always your work is just gorgeous! :)

  87. Thanks for sharing! Keep up the good work!
    brooke dienberg at yahoo dot com

  88. Hi Romy!!
    Good luck in this new phase of your life ... Enjoy it a lot.
    His works are beautiful and very inspiring.

  89. Love your work--so energetic. I also like seeing young people get involved in this activity.

  90. love your style!! your creations are truly a work of art!

  91. well hi romy! sending you crafty greetings all the way from the state of maryland, USA! first: wishing you nothing but good luck as you start your 1st year at university! how exciting..enjoy every minute.. second thank you for sharing your talent! i love your work. and last but not least: yo have a lovely family! never forget how blessed you are! marie

  92. The love you have for your family shine from the pages you make of them. Love your work, keep it up!

  93. you are so cute and so talented! and you do look like your mum!!! :O)
    you will go a long long way!!!!

  94. I love your beautiful work! Good luck as you start at the University and STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!!!

  95. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations, Romy!

  96. So great to see you here and all your nice work!! Looking forward to seeing much more of your gorgeous and inspirational LOs and cards :)

  97. Wow. Fabulous layouts, Romy. You have amazing talent.

  98. I have been such a fan of Romy's for some time now! She is such an inspiration at such a young age!

  99. So nice to get to know you, Romy! Such beautiful details on your projects!! tFS!

  100. Hi; I have been admiring your work and projects for Bo Bunny for some time and I was very surprised to see that you are so young, that you are Dutch and that you went to my hometomwn for vacations!!!


  101. so much talent in this blog, I can hardly stand it!!!!
    its so nice to meet you Romy!!

  102. Romy, I think you are absolutely adorable and incredibly talented! I know your work the second I see it! I love everything you do and have followed you for quite some time! I don't know how you ever find the time for all you do...Best of Luck at University and much continued success as an artist.

  103. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful projects with us!

  104. Thanks for letting us get to know more about you and your family. I love that you included a 2 page layout.

  105. You've done a really wonderful job showcasing Bo Bunny products.

  106. Good luck in college! Love your work! Great to see talented young people embrace scrapping and crafting!

  107. gorgeous projects, good luck in college!

  108. I so love how you layer and embellish everything. Your work is so beautiful. I can't wait to see more!

  109. WOW! A fairy tale come true i tell you! Hopefully it'll happen for me too. You are truly an inspiration! Your work is simply amazing!!!

  110. What a wonderful blog post Romy! It is lovely to get to know so much about you and to see your beautiful layouts. You are so sweet and so supportive to others.You rock!

  111. Your shabby chic style is so unique -- even your fall and beach themed layouts have a hint of vintage - great job!

  112. Wow! Your projects are amazing! Love them all! I so need the Et Cetera line!

  113. Love your work! Its beautiful!

  114. I always enjoy looking at your layouts, etc. It is really nice finding out about YOU, as well. TFS!!

  115. Your cards are so inpsirational, they just are so dimensional. Thank you very much for sharing your talents.
