Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Power of Pink Day 3

Today we are so honored to share this mini album titled "My Pink Journey" with you.

Our very own Mireille Divjak from The Netherlands has courageously and humbly
shared her very personal journey with us through scrapbooking a mini album with
the beginning of her story. Our thoughts and prayers remain with her as she continues
and completes this journey.

Mireille, Thank you for sharing your pink journey of hope with us all!   

"My Pink Journey"
Designed by: Mireille Divjak

"title" says : Complete removal of a malign tumor class 3 - April 28 2010

Journaling block says: I would have never thought that at the age of 38 I would get breast cancer. My journey started in April, my pink journey. I couldn't have traveled without the help of my friends and family

"title" says "Pirate Princess" - June 2010

Journaling block says : When my lines for radiation therapy were drawn Noah called out "WOW!!! How COOL!! You have a sword in your throat mom! You are a real pirate princess!! - The stones are my lucky stones from my kids that I carried with me every day in the pocket of my jeans.

 Title - Radio Robbie and Chemo Casper - June, July, August 2010

Journaling block: The hardest part was trying to explain to the kids what was going on with mommy. Thank goodness for great kid-books like Radio Robbie and Chemo Casper

(sidenote: books the hospital gives to people to help explain this to children. It's about the "superheroes " Radio Robbie and Chemo Casper that help destroy the mean cancer cells)

Title - Wig and hats

Journaling Block: And then I lost my hair, a process Amber followed day by day, gently pulling 
my hair every night to check if it was already "happening" .

Title: The doctors assistants - September 2010

Journaling Block: I have the best doctors assistants in the whole wide world. 
Noah holds the tray at the lab and Amber helps with the drip and the bandaid.

Title: Photoshoot in the backyard with Eva - October 2010

Journaling Block: Never thought that this day I would have enough self confidence to pose like this, 
without my wig, with and without my hat. 

 Thank you for  taking the time to read Mireielle's
story and please join with us in hoping and 
praying for a cure for this horrible disease that 
continues to attack those people we love.

Edgy Album: Bo Bunny
Cardstock : Bo Bunny Blush Dot/ Passion fruit Dot/ Tutudot
Patterned Paper: Bo Bunny Persuasion * my sweet * dot * blooms
Rubons: Bo Bunny Swirly Whirly & Tweet Tweet
Chunky Charms: Arrows & Circles , and Swirls & Brackets "blush"
Flowers : Love Shack, Love Bandit, Snowy Serenade
Buttons and Ribbon : Bo Bunny

Other Supplies:
Glitterglue- Creative Cafe, Punch: Martha Stewart, Floss: Karen Foster
Pens: Sakura and AC, Ink: Colorbox
Alphastickers: Adorn - it / Carolee's Creations


  1. What an amazing journal of her strength and courage.

  2. Mireille, you are truly an inspiration my friend, thank-you for sharing your journey with us all. I know it took a lot of courage and strength on your part. (((HUGS))) ~Gabi

  3. We`re all with you my strong friend!!!!You`r album is really fantastic!!
    Big Hug for you!!

  4. Beautiful album and a beautiful family, thank you for sharing your story and I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers - stay strong!!

  5. Mireille, what a beautiful journal. Sending you big hugs from a fellow survivor. You are going to be all the stronger for this!

  6. Love you, darling. You're the strongest person I know, and my thoughts are constantly with you.

    Thanks for sharing! Your journal is BEAUTIFUL in oh so many ways. Just like you!

  7. Mireille thank you for sharing your story. What a beautiful album.

  8. What an incredible way to journal this journey!

  9. Mireille, you continue to be in my prayers. You are such an inspiration and I can only hope that in your shoes, I would show half the courage and strength you have shown! Thankyou for sharing the journey.

    Hugs to you and your family~

  10. I'm so glad we have been able to know each other these few months Mireille. My thoughts are always with you! Can't wait to see your Disney album ~wink~

  11. what a great story of love and courage! God keep you strong! Your album is fantastic!!

  12. Thanks for sharing this story! Beautiful album fill with courage, and love!

  13. Mireille, thanks for sharing your life changing experience. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for showing your courage!!!

  14. Really you're such a beautiful, strong, positive and sweet girl! I so admire your strength and positivity and the fact that you always keep smiling, despite of the difficult things you got to deal with. Thank you so much for sharing your story in this gorgeous and oh so touching mini album. I'm sure it will give other girls, suffering from this terrible disease, a lot of courage to never stop fighting. Stay strong, have faith in the future and always remember that you can to this and that the cancer isn't worth it to win. You've got a very special place in my heart and I'm thinking of you and your family on these difficult times. Big hugs!

  15. ohhh mireille you are a very strong friend!!and your story gives me goosebumps income jump tears in my eyes!!
    I pray for you, I wish you good luck my dear
    you have very beautiful album make!!

    girl stay strong!!
    hugs carla

  16. Mireille, you're courage is such an inspiration. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to sweet girl!

    Thanks for sharing such a personal journey.

  17. Wow....what a beautiful, inspirational journal...God bless!!

  18. It certainly is a beautiful, touching, and honest look at a difficult and scary journey. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  19. This is just beautiful. It makes me tear up every time I see it. Thanks for sharing your story. It's been so nice to get to know you these past few months and you continue to be in my prayers.

  20. AWESOME PROJECT!! Thanks so much for sharing.

  21. Beautiful! it is also a tearjerker...

  22. just wow.... you are an inspiration to us all Mireille.

  23. An amazing journal of an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing.

    Also a survivor! Go Pink.

  24. Love the project and I am praying for Mireille!

  25. So many hugs and loads of love are coming your way Mireille! You truly inspire me in so many ways and thank you for sharing so much with us!

  26. Thank you for having the courage to share

  27. what a beautiful creation.. GREAT JOB!! :)

  28. Mireille thank you for sharing your amazing journal of courage, inspiration and hope.

  29. What an amazing and inspirational story! You are truly a courageous woman! Your mini album is so moving and meaningful, it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  30. Amazing courage! Thank you for sharing your mini album with us. God bless!

  31. Beautiful album. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  32. wouahou! It is a so intimate story ... it makes us thinking about our own story.
    This album is really beautifull and touching!
    Thank you to share with us!

  33. Beautiful album. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  34. What a beautiful album. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  35. Mireille, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing with us such courage and strength through this mini album! Hugs! Irene

  36. I shouldn't have read this at work, I'm bawling like a baby.
    What a beautiful book and story you and your children will cherish forever. You show such courage to share with everyone. Thank you so much.

  37. Wow, every time I see this I tear up! It is so beautiful just like you Mireille! Your strength and beautiful personality amaze me! Thanks so much for sharing your story with us :)

  38. Mireille, thank you for sharing your journey with us, and thank you for the beautiful album you made. You are an example of courage and faith.
    I'm so happy I decided to check the blog this morning... what a beautiful way to start my day.
    You are a gorgeous lady... I'm sending you a BUG HUG and many prayers.

  39. Wauw what a amzing album you made Mireille with lots of work and a touching journal.Love your inspiring work.
    Wish you and your family lots of my love hugs,Lean

  40. You've always been my hero. . . here's only more reason why. You are doing remarkably to have all this happen this year. Thanks for bringing me here.

    I love the heart punch, the pinks & greens and the journaling and you too!

  41. oh sad for the little ones too.

  42. My dearest dearest sister in law...How proud I am of you reading this can't be expressed in words..
    Love you with all my heart
