Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Get to know ..... Mahlin Wiggur

Hello Bo Bunny lovers... Sweden calling! Yes, it is me, Mahlin.
Today it´s my turn to be in the spotlight here on the Bo Bunny blog... Being on the Bo Bunny design team is, and has been, one of the most amazing experiences. The team is such a talented group of girls and everyone is just so sweet and friendly. Not to talk about working for, and with, Bo Bunny.. Everytime my box arrives a make sure I have a lot of time to really unpack and look at all the wonderful product. The boxes are filled to the top with all the goodies you could wish for. The inspiration comes rushing in a hearbeat.

Whoo-ligans is still my number one favorite of all the Bo Bunny releases but Et Cetera is coming up close second. I just love how diverse all Bo Bunny collections are. You can mix them together with great result and they stand alone and make brilliant creations. As you can read, I am more than pleased to be here, representing Bo Bunny.

So, as said before. You are now getting to know me some more.. . We´ve already covered that I am Mahlin and I live here in Sweden. I am a teacher, I work as a special Ed´s teacher for a group of kids with Autism or Aspergers syndrome. This is such an experience and very rewarding. You get to use your creative side every single day. At the same time you are being very structured so the release I get when I come home to scrap is also very needed.

When I go home.. I come home to my precious son Vilmer. He turned 3 years old this summer so he is really starting to show his personality and there is so much of it to love. Unfortunately, I don´t come home to him every day.. Vilmers dad and I separated a few months ago so half of the week, Vilmer lives with his dad. Vilmers dad is still my very best friend so there is no hard feelings involved. It is just sad not to be able to snuggle up with Vilmer every single day and see all the new adventures he takes on.

But, I still have some company to come home to. My siamese cat Andy is always here.. and if you know cats, you know that siamese cats are quite talkative and social =) Never a quiet moment around here.

When we sold our house, I also lost my scraproom. I had to do some serious downsizing amongst my scrappy stuff for the move. Now I have a scrappy corner in my living room. It works OK. It is not perfect, because I am such a messy scrapper. I tend to leave a huge mess and you don´t want that showing in your livingroom everyday.. Scrapping is, like it is for most of you reading, a very important part of my life. I need to be creative in some way, every day. It doesn´t have to be scrapbooking and making a layout. It can be anything creative.

Scrapbooking have been in my life for about 6 years now, but I have always been a crafter. I´ve painted and decorated and drawn and collaged for as long as I can remember. I get inspired by colors, lots of colors. I love everything colorful, bright an vivid. I mix up my scrapbooking with all creative things I can think of, that´s why this mixed media trend is perfect for me. Suddenly there are so much more products to choose from.

I teach, scrapbooking. I love making workshops and travelling around the globe inspiring. And of course I teach my workshops with some Bo Bunny wonderfulness in there... If you´re interested in booking a workshop with me, just give me a shout =D

Today I will show you 4 projects..

Here is a layout mixing up collections. Even if all Bo Bunny collections are different they are so easy to mix and match.


Supplies used:

Patterned paper: Forever fall; Bouquet, Blaze, Garden Girl; Vines.
6x6 paper pad: Welcome home
Brads: Welcome home
Layered Chipboard: Et Cetera
Combo Stickers: Forever fall, Et Cetera
Cardstock stickers: Welcome home -Homegrown, Et Cetera - Just be you, Forever fall - Gratitude
Trinkets: Garden Girl.

Another layout

Supplies used:

Double dot Cardstock: Chocolate journal
Noteworthy: Welcome home
Combo Stickers: Et Cetera, Forever Fall
Brads: Welcome Home
Buttons: Garden Girl
Project Kit: Forever Fall

and a canvas wallhanging/ Door sign..

My boss asked me, 1,5 years ago, to make her a sign for her door, with her name and photo. It has taken me some time but now it is finally completed... I used a canvasframe as a base for this and then added some patterned paper and embellies...

Supplies used:

Patterned paper: Forever fall-foliage, cutouts, Garden Girl - Wisteria
Clearstamps: Et Cetera
Combo stickers: Et Cetera, Garden Girl
Cardstock Stickers: Et Cetera- Live, love, laugh
Layered chipboard: Et Cetera, Garden Girl
12x12 Chipboard: Et Cetera, Garden Girl
Trinkets: Forever fall
Jewels: Forever fall
Noteworthy: Garden Girl, Welcome home
Ribbon: 5/8 Double dot - boysenberry

and last but not least.. a card made up with lots of wraps..

Supplies used:

Double dot Cardstock - Chiffon dot
Wraps: Timepiece, Crush, Olivia, Cambridge
Petals: Learning Curve
Combo stickers: Et Cetera

I wish you all a great day and thanks for stopping by the Bo Bunny blog today.


  1. Heja Sverige!!!
    Like your projects and hope you stay with Bo Bunny for many more days still!!!


  2. Your projects are very creative and fun. I look forward to see more!

  3. Love your LO's! I'm still so afraid to try glimmer mist on mine! I'm not that confident yet! Your's are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love to meet you!!
    His works are divine and creative.
    I loved it.


  5. Thanks for sharing these great projects and providing a lot of good creative inspiration.

  6. I really like your style! Love the various splatters & really like the black flower/fiber behind the oval-

  7. Loved looking at all your projects. You are very creative. Also, it was nice to get to know about you and your family.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing. I love the door sign you made for your boss. That was so cool and so much better than the normal boring name plate!

  9. Thank you for being a Special Ed teacher! My 13 yr old has Aspergers and our family appreciates so much the blessings and help teachers give each day! I love your Bo Bunny creations! And I wish you the best as you adjust to being a single mom :)

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your projects and your life! I especially love the sign you made for your boss!

  11. Your projects are so interesting and creative! Like it very much!

  12. Your layouts were very nice and different. I love the sign you made THE BOSS. I am sure she loves it. I know I would.
    Thank you for being a Special Ed teacher, though my daughter does not have anything you teach children with, she was in special ed for behavioral problems. You are very much appreciated.
    Thanks for sharing you work and good luck with being a single now and a single mom.

  13. Great learning more about your projects.

  14. Love your work...your misting and work with paint is beautiful...I also really like that sign you made for your boss beautiful!!

  15. Your projects are beautiful, so fun! I am a messy crafter without a work space too! Your son is adorable, can't wait to see more from you :)

  16. Loved learning more about you Mahlin and your new projects are awesome!

  17. Very cool layouts. I love your style.

  18. Hi Mahlin,it´s great to know more of your life and see your amazing and creative work!

  19. Mahlin, your projects are always so beautiful, playful and fun! I really love your style and your use of paint and other mixed media. Gorgeous projects in this post! And I really loved getting to know you better. It's wonderful to have you on our team:)

  20. Mahlin, thanks for sharing your fun projects and for letting us get to know you. I admire you not only for your talent, but also for your ability to teach special-needs kids. You must be a valuable resource to those families who need a guiding hand. And...I hear you on the "messy" scrapping! Something I'm guilty of myself. Cheers!

  21. Lovely projects - I like the way you've used paint and ink.

  22. Thanks for sharing your projects and a little about you!

  23. I love the all the misting you do on your layouts! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  24. Love the artsy feel of your work! Your son is adorable!

  25. Love your projects, so creative!!

  26. I always enjoy seeing your fabulous projects!

  27. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration! I agree, Bo Bunny mixes up so well!

  28. Mahlin, thank you for sharing some of your creative works - just lovely!!

  29. It's lovely to "meet" you! Your son is very handsome. Your can reminds me so much of the Siamese cat I used to have,Shakespeare. Yes - they sure can talk. Love the inspiration you share... your layouts are wonderful and the canvas is beautiful - I'll bet your boss liked it!

  30. Thanks for sharing your story and your beautiful projects. Loved the Boss sign.

  31. Sooooooooooooooo LOVE Mahlin's creations!! Just gorgeous! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  32. Very cool work! Thanks for sharing!!

  33. Love your projects...and I think it's so funny that many members of the design team have cats!!
    Love that wrapped!

  34. I love your artsy style Mahlin!! Its so nice getting to know you better through this post! love all the pics! xx

  35. Hi Mahlin,
    Great to read more about you.
    have a nice dat Jolanda

  36. Funny photos, funny girl, great projects! Glad to know you!

  37. Thanks for sharing your great projects and part of your life!

  38. You do a beautiful job on your layouts. I love where you used the white paint or mist.

  39. Thanks for sharing. I loved the door sign you made for your boss. It's lovely.

  40. mahlin, love that door sign. great job with all the layering and texture on this project.

  41. Love your work Mahlin!! Its so nice to meet you

  42. I love your style Mahlin and it has been lovely to be on the DT with you the last year! :)

  43. So gorgeous Mahlin! Love having you on our team and love getting to know you better!!

  44. I really enjoyed learning about you and looking at your projects!

  45. Hi Mahlin, it is so nice to meet you! I so enjoyed all your projects for Bo Bunny. I too am a very messy scrapper... love your style!

  46. Very cool and artsy your work!

  47. Wonderful creations! Great projects!

  48. You have such an arty style! Great to get to know you better :)

  49. oh wow, the canvas art you did for your boss is amazing!

  50. Love the sign you made for your boss! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  51. Thanks for showing your wonderful creations!

  52. Mahlin, I love how artsy your style is! Very very nice!

  53. Great layouts!!! It was fun to learn more about you!

  54. love the altered canvas! Nice work!

  55. Lovely work. I can sympathize with your lack of scrapping space....I don't have a space as such; I have things poked in closets and drag it all to the kitchen table when I want to create. TFS your work, and giving inspiration to all of us in blogland.

  56. Awesome layouts! Thanks for sharing!

  57. What a range of techniques on your projects, thank you for sharing.
